Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well, sometimes you just got to look back on your child hood and laugh. Today was a nostalgia fest, brought about from an overflow of conversations bringing me back to the past. My childhood was a lot more simple. School, day to day life, though I was alone. I had very few friends, and seldom saw them. I guess with friends comes the trade off of simplicity, which makes me realize why Macs cost so much. Simplicity is a premium that comes with high costs.

School has become a pain, friends require work to maintain the bond, i need to start considering finding a job, as I have things that I want that cost a lot, and life starts to pick up more complexity everyday. Sure there is more weight on my shoulders, but i have people I can share it with now. So remember the simplicity of childhood, even in simple things like dinosaur nuggets…


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